Monday, May 24, 2010

Chick with a Booty

which version do you guys like better? 
Well, this is for you, Sarita, so hope you like it! :D

night guys!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


This is what I have been drawing for couple of days now.. Why take this long? well, i didn't have much time working on it, but i finally finished it now! :DDD

so enjoy and hope you like it! lol

This piece was actually based off of someone I know, but the magical evil overlord from pink bunnies and flying unicorn land took over and the piece does not look like my friend anymore (actually, it never did. -ashamed-)

but i hope you like it and won't kill me because I suck at drawing realistically O___o 

peace out!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Perspective Hw 9 + 10

I apologize for neglecting this site! Been super busy with school work and everything else, but here is what my final two hw for perspective!

It's finals week, so good luck with everyone and remember to sleep! (try to at least)

I'll try and update more soon! So stay in tune! :D

I'm out, peace!