Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Artworks :D

These two shoe drawings are for my drawing homework.. two weeks ago? I don't quite remember, but yes, these are my roommate's shoes, 'cause you know I do not wear converse, not that i hate the brand, in fact, i love the brand, it's just i don't have them :'(

After looking through Christie's excellent sketchbook sketches, i was inspired to draw my own, since I also have a 4''x6'' Sketchbook. So i played around with that concept and these popped up. These are completely random and drawn in pen, so be warned. (lol)

These two drawing are my before and after drawing for my drawing homework that's due this wednesday. So i first sketch out (lightly) the lines and shapes from the objects I am working with, and then i started refining it so that it will start looking like the original object, and hopefully when I'm done, it'll look like it. Can you tell what I am using? xD

Anyways, I'll post up more pictures once I get more drawing done. OH yea, i totally forgot, Here's my final outcome of my Photoshop piece :D

I name this "fire girl" i know, lame title (lol) I mainly use overlay and saturation, not how i usually paint in PS, but this way was easier and how our teacher showed us from a tutorial he found. :D

Over and out!


  1. Interesting bottom zipper design. Influenced by Nomura?

  2. Why can't I read your profile nor can i add you andrew? D: I want to add you! LOLZZ

  3. bahaha, I think that's jenny's red shoe!

  4. @Sarah: yes yes it is lol

    @Anton: lololz
