Sunday, December 6, 2009

PS Final project progress...

as you can tell, i'm not complete with this yet, but i'm positive it's 50% or more complete :) Any suggestions? One of my friend already suggested me to add more brighter colors to this piece, i agree with her, but is there other suggestions to make this piece complete? XD

thanks guys~~


  1.'s kind of hard to see the arrow when it's colored. So...ADD MORE BLOOD. j/k. but yeah, can't really see the arrow in the second pic unless you know it's there already.

  2. Oh yea, i'll add more blood, it's not complete yet :D

  3. SIS. <3333 WOW I can actually comment here. <3


    THE GIRL'S BOOB IS NOT IN THE RIGHT PLACE YO! XDDD or at least, her head in proportion to her boob does not look right. ><

    I don't know... something just looks... off >< Maybe because the colors aren't that POP-OUTY-ISH, XD but that's ok. ^^

    Were you SUPPOSED to do something Anime-like for the final???

  4. The boobs look fine to me, except for when I looked at the first sketch and thought the hair was her cleavage I was like.. WHOA that's not right. But the arrow went into one of them and you can see where it hit. In the colored picture you can't see anymore.

  5. i like the linework, esp. colortreated in the middle. i think you should leave it in, maybe to a colorburn or multiply layer on top of the painted stuff
