Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Here's some recent PS stuff :D

Our Graffiti on Building project :D

Tattoo pic! :D Here's my lovely friend XD

PS Montage pic :D Theme: Death Tarot card

for this project, we have couple themes we can choose from (i dont remember all the themes, but once i remember, i'l list them down) but one of them is Tarot cards, and I chose Death :DDD

For this third piece, I used the scorpio from



  1. she actually got your artwork tattooed on her back? hope she doesn't regret it later D=

    must be a die-hard fan of yours ;D

  2. Heh, I just noticed you said it was PS stuff, and it's labeled PHOTOSHOP.. gosh I'm one incredible dumbass =]

    That explains the graffiti, now that I took a look at it. I think you had enough room on the wall to get more of the picture in.

  3. WAIT, so you were tricked that my friend got my drawings as her tattoos? XD YES! that means my PS tattoo project is believable! (yay me)

    after reading what you wrote about the building graffiti project, i realized that there more room to extend my picture.. Dx

  4. Nuuu! Where are the butterflies for the Death tarot card? I demand butterflies, not scorpions! XD

  5. I can ask my teacher if he would accept butterflies, OR I CAN MAKE ANOTHER VERSION WITH butterflies! :D
