Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sketches Sketches Sketches

For the lack of posts, here are some sketches I've done during this month that looks complete :D

This started with the face and the google face mask thing, and I continued it 13 days later with the hair and rest of the body :D
I think Genius Party's animations inspires me for the rest of the body... lol

There are many amazing concept designers everywhere, so this piece is inspired by those amazing artists. :D The character on the bottom is actually a character of mine, (HOPE), but I made her (yes, her) with a mobile like suit on, more sci-fi I guess.

This is just a random figure and cross-hatching study

I saw this model after my pre-registration for Spring 2010 semester. Her costume was too unique for me not to forget how it look like. :D

"Why do I have a weird nose"
I was experimenting with cross hatching for shading noses here

Here's a pretty model from this one website I don't recall. I do not take credit for this photography!!!

But her perfect face made me want to draw it, so here's the result :D

I love graphite drawings too much, I need to practice Photoshopping more!


  1. Keep up the sketches Jessica, they definitely have that texture quality to them, like...they're literally sketchy and that's cool! When I look at your sketches, I feel like a bunch of little lines are bursting and floating around, like a dandelion coming apart... I dunno, it's weird. The point is, haha, that you have a style and it's growing. Keep it up!

  2. aww, lucy is so darn articulate...

    so um, yeah.... I agree with what she said :P

    I have yet to see the rest of Genius Party! BUT, I do see similarities between your top drawing and "Happy Machine" (which was pretty fricken amazing). Props.
