Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Illustrator first

I realized how fail I am at updating my blogs, so here is my first assignment for my illustrator class. it's a self portrait trace, all vectors, but I saved it as .jpg so it's all rasterize and PIXELS (yay for pixels)

I still need to scan stuff for graphiteviolence. D: You hear that lucy and sarah? i'm going to scan stuff at your place sometime soon! :D

Also.. this is like the first time using illustrator (excluding the practices, but those doesnt count)

yay post ~ :D


  1. it looks awesome! I think I already said this, but I'm really digging the controller.

    yes PUHLEAZE scan something in! Dude, that blog is just an embarrassing display of procrastination!

  2. LOL that's so true! Let me scan lots of pics at your place and spam our lil blog. We need to have like a whole week of subject to draw listed on the side or something! quick! 7 random things to draw and post it! D: or i'll go do that lol (i'll go do that)

  3. Whoa, impressive! Looks a LOT like you. It must be from an existing photo lol
