Saturday, February 13, 2010


There is something I wanted to tell you all.  
I have official stopped with the Polyphasic Sleeping Schedule.

I thank you my friend for helping me, encouraging and motivating me to spend my time wisely on academic and personal things, but I do not think the sleeping schedule will work out for me. I realized that I love my sleep way too much, and I find out that most of the time I cannot take the naps at a certain time and by missing the nap times, I cannot function for the day. Ehh. what I'm trying to say is that I do not have a set schedule to as when I will be sleeping or what I will be doing during my time, so I'm trying just to spend my time wisely when I'm awake.

Here's something new and fresh, hope you guys enjoy it! :)

This will also be my little contribution for Valentine's Day! Enjoy your V Day everyone! (even if you are single or not! :D )

and I'm out! Peace!


  1. great entry. i agree that there are some things important to remember NOT to sacrifice in order to get things done or in order to achieve happiness. thanks for posting this, it really did brighten up my day.

  2. Yaaay I'm glad that my post made your day! :)

  3. Remember, it started as something YOU wanted to do. It's just something that worked for me back when my schedule was compatible with it. No need to apologize and explain yourself to such great lengths. Heck I'm not even doing it right now... Not yet at least =)
