Friday, October 16, 2009

after core sleep before nap 1 time

okkkaaayyyy, i spent like 4 hours playing around with photo booth and internet surfing.. and PS and homeowrk :D Here are two actual near completion and not random doodles that resemble nothing!
For certain I thought today was the 17th, AND IT WASN'T LOLZ  if you look closely at my sigs, the date is for 17th, so yea, letting you guys know that I'm too lazy to change that LOLOLZZ so false date legit signature D: I think I'm fancying hoods these days for some reason XD

SIIIGHHH, midterm next weeekkk... I think I'm getting kinda use to the 2 - 3 hours core sleep and then 20 mins naps for 3 consecutive 5 hours break D:

The first picture, if you look closely at the white thing, IT'S ACTUALLY AN ARM 8B Even though it is awkwardly placed, I THINK IT'S AWESOME!! (yes, i think it's because of lack of sleep and getting used to it is making me hyper for some reason 8D)

I should actually start working on projects rather than random sketches and doodles..... (笑)


  1. Whoaa the arm is trippy. The whole pic is. It's pretty cool. And yeah I have to say, some of my most creative moments were when I was too tired to second guess myself lol. Or too lazy.

    But yeah projects!! The story of Crim? ;D Or something else? Well, actually, if you make something that could make you famous, LCAD will probably take credit for it. =/

  2. I seriously need to bring Crim back to life D: He's one of my fav OC characters D: you know what??!?! i'm gonna sketch some new concepts of crim next time i wake up from a 3 hours core sleep XD prob not next week CUZ MIDTERM = BAD = STUDY ;'(

  3. Gah, I didn't notice the arm until you pointed it out. -fails-

    Teehee, I like the second one, even though he looks like he's about to strip.

    Good luck with midterms, and--GET MORE SLEEP. I can't believe you're still trying that crazy ONLY THREE HOURS OF SLEEP thing. DD: GET MORE SLEEP; aslkfja;sdf; or else I'll be forced to grind sleeping pills into a fine powder and sprinkle it over any food we decide to send you next time. >:D


  4. @ Chu: D: D: D: D: D: how tricky1! lolololzz <3
