Thursday, October 15, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep Day 2

Sorry friends and families who are reading this and told me not to try this, but I want to be ignorant and curious and try this new sleeping schedule for a week and see how far I've gone.

I'm sorry guys!!! Dx

But in return, i'll post up more pictures! :D

The first pic is the sketch version we were suppose to bring in class, and the second one is the finished :D
For the assignment, we were suppose to draw a narrative drawing where it is basing off of our faces :D So yes, we needed our own face as reference D: But I think you can change the character a little so it doesn't resemble you, I mean, this looks nothing like me D: She looks too UN-asian lol

This project took two weeks, last week we were suppose to finish with the sketch and this week, we were suppose to work and finish with the coloring part, due monday and I'm done now! yay me LOL for photoshop, i never procrastinate, at least the drawing part D:

midterm week coming up, wish me luck guys! LOLZZ study study like crazy this week aflkads;fka;

anyways, back to homework and procrastinating Dx a;lkja;f

じょうだんです!だて、今、俺の日本語のスクリーズは下手になっていた。。。やっぱりもっとドラマやアニメや漫画を見た方がいいですねエーー (笑)


  1. She does look a little bit like you, but you're definitely missing some distinct characteristics. Reminds me a little bit of Link. lol

    Anyways, keep it up with the sleep schedule. I've heard of students doing even crazier schedules than that and it seems to have worked like a charm.. until they graduated and start working, and have no time for naps. =/

  2. i don't have a job yet so it's daijoubu! XD

    of link? WHOA! it suddenly reminds me of link! O_____O

  3. D:



    I miss glomping you. =/
