Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More Pics~

Some Fig. Drawings

This is a long post (2hours?) from week 5

Long post (2 hours? +?) from week 6

These last two fig drawing (gesture studies) are from classmates who were willing to pose for us before our new model came because the old one overslept so we need to get a new one.

Finally done with the painting from the previous tone study sketch from early post XD

THese two drawings are for my midterm assignment for my drawing class O___o speaking of midterm, i need to gather all the works I've done to turn in for portfolio.. and i better do some studies in my sketchbook for extra credit XD


  1. dang girl, youre a good drawer AND a good painter! Where's your achilles heel?

    lol @ oversleeping models. who was the volunteer? I think it'd be weird to pose nude for your classmates...haha

  2. thanks guys! :D

    some classmates posed for us, but no nude lol

    and the actual nude model was the second model XD
