Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Game art Vs. Animation

From what I can tell, both majors deals with maya, where game art is more 3D modeling and rigging and where animation is more 2D and maya D:

I love both majors, and game art classes looks PWNAGE where animation classes looks MAJOR AWESOME   ....  aka i can't decide! I know that everyone tells me to imagine myself where I am working for or w/e 10 years from now.. and i see a lot of things O___o  I know Hayao Miyazaki has inspired me nonstop, BUUTTTT, Final Fantasy stuff and the models from that looks TOO AWESOME ASDKFAJ;SDFK

Hmm,,, if i major in game art, we do learn how to animate them but it's not as great as the 2d animation from animation majors D: but there are more job opportunities if I master 3D... eekk,, I want to work for Pixar or studio gibli or have my own animation studio where I am directing the film, just like miyazaki,,, and i also want to design characters for games and create a story .. you know, for games and stuff... and i can then also 3D the animation, butt asdkfja;skfja;sdfkj

this is so confusing.. and pre-reg is in two weeks ;____; I want to do both!! WHy can't i Dx or maybe i can major in game art and also take some animation classes for my electives, or vise versa.. KFJA;DKFJA;KDFJ   i already made an appointment with the game art chair.. eek, i should talk to her more about this LOLLLZZ

anyways... here's my final final for my photoshop hw.. the one from the previous previous post :D

now back to lunch and V8 (you know, this is actually pretty YUMMY)


  1. Finally you updated again x]
    That pic looks awesome, can't tell if there's something glowing in her hand(like a twinky) or it's a cooked egg. Either way it looks delicious haha.

    Hey so can't you major in animation and take 3d classes as electives? Because it seems what you're looking to get into is more animation-like.

  2. You can't double major?
    I'm doubling in Biology and Psychology.

  3. Eeewww V8 :D
    I wish I could help you with your decision but I know squat about all that 3-D, maya, animation, game art stuff.
    Like, what's rigging?

  4. Wait, so why can't you double major?


  5. Rigging is like completing a model so you can actually use it.. or something like that. Um.. I can double major, just not with that two majors because both majors are huge and takes a lot of time equally, if one doesn't take longer than the other. D: But no worries guys! I decided i'll major in animation, cuz telling a story is more of my passion XD BUT game art is so hella cool! So i'll go see if i can take some game art courses :D

  6. Yeah! That's the way to go. Majoring specifically in game art closes a lot of doors I hear.

  7. Glad you figured it out. :)

  8. AND ON AN UNRELATED NOTE: I miss you!!!! D:

  9. XD Ah i was too late to give advice. Well I was gonna say animation cause i'm in animation teehee XD
    I'm just gonna say I totally hate modeling and rigging. I'm sorry if you love it but I am like not comprehending how maya works.. at all.
    Also Studio Ghibli doesn't hire foreigners cause.. they don't like them. Studio 4C does, and they are really good atm. They got some really cool stuff. And its like impossible to do what Miyazaki does in America, unless you own your own studio. But there is a reason why it doesn't happen in America. Miyazaki's method is too unstable and unpredictable to follow under schedules and such.
    UGH I wishhh you were here because then you woulda been able to here the Mark Andrews lecture. HE STORYBOARDED RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. It was sooo cool cause he went step by step explaining why he did what.. totally .... mind.. blowing.

  10. D8 WHUT, I MISSED OUT ON LOTS OF STUFF! Do tell me when there are awesome guest artists come and maybe you'll see me popping up in your school one day :D
