Friday, December 25, 2009


Merry xmas to you all.

This piece represent three of many art styles in the world. Art of Fighting (or tai chi or martial art cuz of the sword), art of caligraphy or art, and art of Dance (or taichi or martial arts cuz they use fans as well)


Enjoy your break everyone!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


This is the completed version of the previous previous post :D


I don't know.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

PS Final project progress...

as you can tell, i'm not complete with this yet, but i'm positive it's 50% or more complete :) Any suggestions? One of my friend already suggested me to add more brighter colors to this piece, i agree with her, but is there other suggestions to make this piece complete? XD

thanks guys~~

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Uno, Ni, or neither

Here's two version of the montage project:

Version uno:

version ni:

I need to print one of these out with glossy paper (there goes my lunch money and maybe even dinner), so i must choose wisely. I'm indecisive on this sort of thing, so help?

Which one looks better? If neither, is there any suggestion to what I can improve on on the two montages?

Thanks a lot guys! :D


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Not so much figures...

Here are some drawings from these past 3 weeks (for Drawing1)




Some gestures from 11.14.09 (day 1)

Head practice of same model on day two 11.21.09

And here's a sketch I did. The bottom left corner reads "FADE" if you can't tell.


Fig Draw - Digital - --> THANKS CAT!!


After seeing your pwnage digital fig draws, i decided to try it myself! And whoa, it's so much fun!
Although my stuff is still crappy, but it's really fun! I recommend everyone to try this out if you have Photoshop and Tablet (or if you don't have them). Try it out! :3

For this piece below, i was testing out random colors, seeing how AWESOMELY cat uses colors on her pieces, I thought I should try it out as well, but mine turned out horrible and makes the model looking like a zombie or something or other... (shamed)

For here, I was trying to test out highlighting the model with green and purple. THe purple didn't work too much, but i though the green was ok? D8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

When I place my laptop on top of the table thing and started drawing w/ my tablet, everyone looked at me strangely. My laptop is the only laptop in the room, beside the other laptop playing music for the workshop, but yea, I felt awkward at first, but after 30 mins or so into the workshop, I'm loose about it. When people started walking up to me, on the other hand, I felt intimidated, i mean, my stuff is just too bad for their eyes D8 But I think the idea of using PS instead of traditional charcoal may inspire other people to try this out? I dunno, all I know is that i was having a blast D:

I hope your ok Sarah! ._______.'''''

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sketches Sketches Sketches

For the lack of posts, here are some sketches I've done during this month that looks complete :D

This started with the face and the google face mask thing, and I continued it 13 days later with the hair and rest of the body :D
I think Genius Party's animations inspires me for the rest of the body... lol

There are many amazing concept designers everywhere, so this piece is inspired by those amazing artists. :D The character on the bottom is actually a character of mine, (HOPE), but I made her (yes, her) with a mobile like suit on, more sci-fi I guess.

This is just a random figure and cross-hatching study

I saw this model after my pre-registration for Spring 2010 semester. Her costume was too unique for me not to forget how it look like. :D

"Why do I have a weird nose"
I was experimenting with cross hatching for shading noses here

Here's a pretty model from this one website I don't recall. I do not take credit for this photography!!!

But her perfect face made me want to draw it, so here's the result :D

I love graphite drawings too much, I need to practice Photoshopping more!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Here's some recent PS stuff :D

Our Graffiti on Building project :D

Tattoo pic! :D Here's my lovely friend XD

PS Montage pic :D Theme: Death Tarot card

for this project, we have couple themes we can choose from (i dont remember all the themes, but once i remember, i'l list them down) but one of them is Tarot cards, and I chose Death :DDD

For this third piece, I used the scorpio from


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween 2009

I'm super excited!
Here's my contribution to my favorite holiday! :D

It's not really complete, but I think it is for today. Meaning, I probably won't finish it ever! Does it look complete? D: This is a background practice I guess..... Ehhh.. I need more of it lol
From left to right to down:

"It's Halloween!"
"Hurry up Shun!"
"Wait a second bastard you!!"

lol Yes, i'm random.

Are you guys doing anything fun for Halloween?  :)

Savage Garden + Jay Chou Remix

good song D:

I know, it's Jay Chou, BUT STILL, this is a pretty good remix!

我愛你, 你愛我~

はい、I’s CUBEの羽の音楽をヨロシク!

どうしよう 笑えるのに 涙が止まらない
 どうしたの 本当は大丈夫なんかじゃないよ
流して 流して 今この想いを流して






I's CUBE - 羽


がらすに映った目は 思ってた以上にさびてた
视线で交わす言叶は 自分でももう分からなくなった
どうしよう 笑えるのに 涙が止まらない
どうしたの 本当は大丈夫なんかじゃないよ
流して 流して 今この想いを流して
羽が私のこの背中にあれば なんてずっと思ってた
足りないものばかり探すの 镜の前 真正面 向き合えないままで
どうしよう 笑えない 涙も止まらない
なんでだろう 今まで 强がらずにいられなかった
流して 流して 今この想いを流して
许せなかったのは私 守りたかったは私
何かのせいにしなきゃ 崩れてしまう気がしたの
もう崩しちゃおう 残るものをちゃんと守ろう
そんな私なら 好きになれるよね
もう一度笑えたなら 涙は止めない
私のこの手は 痛くても离さないから
流して 流して 今この想いを流して
私がいつかまた 飞び立つまで
今 风がふくたび 羽をひろげて

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Game art Vs. Animation

From what I can tell, both majors deals with maya, where game art is more 3D modeling and rigging and where animation is more 2D and maya D:

I love both majors, and game art classes looks PWNAGE where animation classes looks MAJOR AWESOME   ....  aka i can't decide! I know that everyone tells me to imagine myself where I am working for or w/e 10 years from now.. and i see a lot of things O___o  I know Hayao Miyazaki has inspired me nonstop, BUUTTTT, Final Fantasy stuff and the models from that looks TOO AWESOME ASDKFAJ;SDFK

Hmm,,, if i major in game art, we do learn how to animate them but it's not as great as the 2d animation from animation majors D: but there are more job opportunities if I master 3D... eekk,, I want to work for Pixar or studio gibli or have my own animation studio where I am directing the film, just like miyazaki,,, and i also want to design characters for games and create a story .. you know, for games and stuff... and i can then also 3D the animation, butt asdkfja;skfja;sdfkj

this is so confusing.. and pre-reg is in two weeks ;____; I want to do both!! WHy can't i Dx or maybe i can major in game art and also take some animation classes for my electives, or vise versa.. KFJA;DKFJA;KDFJ   i already made an appointment with the game art chair.. eek, i should talk to her more about this LOLLLZZ

anyways... here's my final final for my photoshop hw.. the one from the previous previous post :D

now back to lunch and V8 (you know, this is actually pretty YUMMY)

Friday, October 16, 2009

after core sleep before nap 1 time

okkkaaayyyy, i spent like 4 hours playing around with photo booth and internet surfing.. and PS and homeowrk :D Here are two actual near completion and not random doodles that resemble nothing!
For certain I thought today was the 17th, AND IT WASN'T LOLZ  if you look closely at my sigs, the date is for 17th, so yea, letting you guys know that I'm too lazy to change that LOLOLZZ so false date legit signature D: I think I'm fancying hoods these days for some reason XD

SIIIGHHH, midterm next weeekkk... I think I'm getting kinda use to the 2 - 3 hours core sleep and then 20 mins naps for 3 consecutive 5 hours break D:

The first picture, if you look closely at the white thing, IT'S ACTUALLY AN ARM 8B Even though it is awkwardly placed, I THINK IT'S AWESOME!! (yes, i think it's because of lack of sleep and getting used to it is making me hyper for some reason 8D)

I should actually start working on projects rather than random sketches and doodles..... (笑)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep Day 2

Sorry friends and families who are reading this and told me not to try this, but I want to be ignorant and curious and try this new sleeping schedule for a week and see how far I've gone.

I'm sorry guys!!! Dx

But in return, i'll post up more pictures! :D

The first pic is the sketch version we were suppose to bring in class, and the second one is the finished :D
For the assignment, we were suppose to draw a narrative drawing where it is basing off of our faces :D So yes, we needed our own face as reference D: But I think you can change the character a little so it doesn't resemble you, I mean, this looks nothing like me D: She looks too UN-asian lol

This project took two weeks, last week we were suppose to finish with the sketch and this week, we were suppose to work and finish with the coloring part, due monday and I'm done now! yay me LOL for photoshop, i never procrastinate, at least the drawing part D:

midterm week coming up, wish me luck guys! LOLZZ study study like crazy this week aflkads;fka;

anyways, back to homework and procrastinating Dx a;lkja;f

じょうだんです!だて、今、俺の日本語のスクリーズは下手になっていた。。。やっぱりもっとドラマやアニメや漫画を見た方がいいですねエーー (笑)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More Pics~

Some Fig. Drawings

This is a long post (2hours?) from week 5

Long post (2 hours? +?) from week 6

These last two fig drawing (gesture studies) are from classmates who were willing to pose for us before our new model came because the old one overslept so we need to get a new one.

Finally done with the painting from the previous tone study sketch from early post XD

THese two drawings are for my midterm assignment for my drawing class O___o speaking of midterm, i need to gather all the works I've done to turn in for portfolio.. and i better do some studies in my sketchbook for extra credit XD

Polyphasic Sleep

I'm trying to experience this new sleeping pattern for myself,  hoping it will make me finish my works more rather than goofing off and realized it's bed time.

I'm trying the Everyman Polyphasic sleep schedule, where your core sleep time is only 3 hours long, and then you take three 20 mins naps for the rest of the day. Yes, every five hours, i get 20 mins nap.

I tried this today, and I already have 2 naps today.

At first, I was really tired and was like a zombie, literally. And today's drawing class did not help at all lol But i manage to concentrate on my project today.

But for most of the day, I was sleeping (no dur) but supposedly once I adapt this sleeping schedule, I will have 4 extra hours of time compare to usual 8 hours sleep schedule people.

So I'm hyped up.

Yes, this might not be the best thing for me right now b/c midterm next week, BUT, i want to experiment this one out, so I get more hours of work and life XD

ganbare to myself D:

Sunday, October 11, 2009

3 Not too recent pics!

I haven't post up anything for awhile lol

Well, here's some stuff (like only 3) i did recently. I need to get battery for the camera I borrowed from school, because I do not have spares... :'(

THis model is from two weeks ago, so it's old. But no worries, I will find my way to take newer fig drawing pictures and upload them :D

I haven't been sketching in my sketchbook for awhile, cuz I am procrastinating like crazy here. :D

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Artworks :D

These two shoe drawings are for my drawing homework.. two weeks ago? I don't quite remember, but yes, these are my roommate's shoes, 'cause you know I do not wear converse, not that i hate the brand, in fact, i love the brand, it's just i don't have them :'(

After looking through Christie's excellent sketchbook sketches, i was inspired to draw my own, since I also have a 4''x6'' Sketchbook. So i played around with that concept and these popped up. These are completely random and drawn in pen, so be warned. (lol)

These two drawing are my before and after drawing for my drawing homework that's due this wednesday. So i first sketch out (lightly) the lines and shapes from the objects I am working with, and then i started refining it so that it will start looking like the original object, and hopefully when I'm done, it'll look like it. Can you tell what I am using? xD

Anyways, I'll post up more pictures once I get more drawing done. OH yea, i totally forgot, Here's my final outcome of my Photoshop piece :D

I name this "fire girl" i know, lame title (lol) I mainly use overlay and saturation, not how i usually paint in PS, but this way was easier and how our teacher showed us from a tutorial he found. :D

Over and out!